Monday, September 3, 2012

finally i'm blogging

January 2012

they say there's no time like the present...
so, here I am in hospital with my wee boy.
heavy breathing by my side.
machines beep every now and then
but otherwise it's quiet.
time to start a blog.
been meaning to for ages now
but between following others (blogs),
veggie patch,
i guess it takes a trip to hospital to slow right down.


I'm no talented crafter like the rest of you
but my love for it is H-U-G-E
i love fabric
i love colour
i love pattern
i love design
i love pretty
i love clever
i love DMC threads
i love art
i love quirky
i love making.

will i love blogging?
hope so.

I'm not sure yet what sequence this blog will follow, how often I'll post and what I'll feature but I just had to make a start. sometimes thinking too hard and too long results in - well nothing.


that was at the beginning of this year and has been saved to draft since then. how bad is that?
anyrate finally i have started so here is a little background...

I have 2 wonderful children, and a very supportive Mr D. we live in the mountains in rural New Zealand, south island. We don't farm (well unless you call 8 chooks farming!) but have the neighboring farmers graze our land. We love the space - the fresh air and all that country life offers up!
I'm originally from South Africa but have become a NZ citizen - thank you NZ for having me!!!!! Hubby is a southern man (from here) and at the moment is unemployed but slaving away building us a palace to live in (2nd time around). I am a graphic designer but not working as one. spend my days running around my kids, doing the housework, torturing my body at yoga, crafting, pinning, and generally leading the good life. We have a menagerie of chickens and a wonderful lazy house cat called Tilly (who also happens to be a great hunter of rabbits).I have wonderful friends who inspire me immensely and am part of a very special community of people living in our nearest village of Arrowtown. in short - i have it all and am extremely happy. My lifetime goal is to publish a magazine which i'm hoping will happen this year. blogging is the first step. so watch this space....

Tilly the much loved cat

our gorgeous kids

all 4 of us walking on our property

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